Makoto Hagiwara

Dr. Makoto Hagiwara, Associate professor

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology.

E-mail: hagiwara(at)

Phone&FAX : +81-3-5734-2852

Research Finder : Tokyo Tech Star Search

Research topic

Application of power electronics to next-generation electric power systems, battery energy storage systems, electric behicles, and ewnweable energies


Lecture (Tokyo Tech OCW)

  • Electric Machinery and apparatus

  • Advanced Course of Power Electronics

  • Power Electronics


Professional Experience





Tokyo Institute of Technology Graduate School of Science and Engineering Assistant Professor





Tokyo Institute of Technology Graduate School of Science and Engineering Assistant Professor





Tokyo Institute of Technology Graduate School of Engineering Associate Professor


Academic Dissertation

自励式BTB(Back-To-Back)の制御法とシステム構成に関する研究, Doctor of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2006.  



2001 電気学会 学術奨励賞

2008 電気学会 全国大会 優秀論文発表賞

2008 電気学会 産業応用部門大会 優秀論文発表賞

2010 International Power Electronics Conference Prize Paper Award

2012 IEEE IAS IPCC First Prize Paper Award

2013 IEEE IAS IPCC First Prize Paper Award

2013 IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics' Outstanding Reviewers of 2013

2014 Isao Takahashi Power Electronics Award

2014 IEEE IAS IPCC Third Prize Paper Award

2014 IEEE IAS IPCC First Prize Paper Award

2016年 IEEE IAS IPCC Third Prize Paper Award

2018年 東京工業大学 工学院創生的研究賞

2019年 電気学会 上級会員

2019年 IEEE senior member

2023年 TPEL AE Excellence Award

2024年 永守賞


Academic Society Memberships

IEEE and The Institute of Electrical Engineerings of Japan