6.6 kV配電系統の電力品質向上を目的とした直列インバータ付き進相コンデンサ(InvSC)

- G. C. Leandro, K. Sano, N. Okada, “A Protection Circuit for the Shunt Capacitor equipped with a Series Inverter under Voltage Sags,” 5th IEEE Workshop on the Electronic Grid (eGrid 2020), Nov. 2020.
- G. C. Leandro, K. Sano, N. Okada, “A shunt capacitor equipped with a series inverter being compatible with existing shunt capacitors,” 55th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), pp. 1-6, Sep. 2020.
- Guilherme Cirilo Leandro, 佐野憲一朗:「高調波補償効果と高調波耐量の両立を目的とした直列インバータ付き進相コンデンサの制御法」,令和2年電気学会全国大会,vol. 4, no. 115, pp. 184-185 (2020-3)